
Active filter: Service: Sunday Morning (x) , Date: 2023 (x)
Book: Ezekiel (1), Daniel (2), Matthew (5), Romans (1), 1 Corinthians (2), 2 Peter (1), Revelation (2).
Series: Advent (2), End Time (1), Pentecost (11).
Date: September (3), October (5), November (4), December (2)

Sermons (14)

Hasten the Day of Christ’s Coming 1. By not abusing God’s patience 2. By being prepared for the Last Day
2 Peter 3:8-14 (Part of the Advent series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on December 10, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
Grace and Peace Are Yours 1. As God blesses us in Christ 2. As he anchors us in faith
1 Corinthians 1:3-9 (Part of the Advent series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on December 3, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
OUR LORD JESUS IS RISEN AND REIGNS! 1. He Has Literally Been Raised from the Dead, 20a. 2. He Now Assures Us of Our Resurrection, 20b-22. 3. He Has Ushered in a Whole New Era, 23-24.
1 Corinthians 15:20-24 (Part of the End Time series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on November 26, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
We Live In View of God’s Mercy 1. We live our lives as sacrifices 2. Yet we live our lives as one
Romans 12:1-8 (Part of the Pentecost series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on November 19, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
HOLD ON! 1. In the Face of All the Evil Around You 2. With Your Face Turned Toward the Joys Set Before You
Revelation 3:7-13 (Part of the Pentecost series).
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Preached by Pastor Kieth Wessel on November 12, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
The Heavenly Song of the Saints 1. It’s learned here on earth 2. It’s sung in heaven in glory
Revelation 7:9-17 (Part of the Pentecost series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on November 5, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
Stand Firm in the Faith 1. Know what is right (Sola Scriptura) 2. Live by trust in God (Sola Fide) 3. Live by grace (Sola Gratia)
Daniel 6:10-23 (Part of the Pentecost series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on October 29, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
Don’t Compromise Your faith in Babylon 1. Don’t defile yourself 2. Be certain of your true home
Daniel 1:3-21 (Part of the Pentecost series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on October 22, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
The Wedding Banquet Will Be Full
Matthew 22:1-14 (Part of the Pentecost series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on October 15, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
Give Glory to God by Your Life
Matthew 23:1-12 (Part of the Pentecost series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on October 8, 2023 (Sunday Morning).