
Active filter: Preacher: Pastor Keith Petersen (x) , Service: Sunday Morning (x)
Book: Genesis (1), Exodus (1), Deuteronomy (1), 1 Samuel (1), Job (1), Lamentations (1), Ezekiel (2), Daniel (2), Matthew (5), Mark (6), John (6), Acts (2), Romans (2), 1 Corinthians (3), Colossians (1), 2 Peter (1), 1 John (1), Revelation (2).
Series: Trinity (1), Easter (6), Lent (6), Epiphany (5), New Year (1), Advent (2), End Time (1), Pentecost (17).
Date: 2023 (14), 2024 (25)

Sermons (39)

Watch Whom You Let Into Your Life! 1. There are dangerous thieves and robbers 2. Let in only the Good Shepherd
John 10:1-18 (Part of the Easter series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on April 21, 2024 (Sunday Morning).
We Make Our Claim on the Risen Christ 1. Declare your fellowship with him 2. Demonstrate your fellowship with him
1 John 1:5-2:2 (Part of the Easter series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on April 14, 2024 (Sunday Morning).
Live in the Peace of Easter 1. The peace given by the Risen Savior 2. The peace that overcomes spiritual doubts
John 20:19-31 (Part of the Easter series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on April 7, 2024 (Sunday Morning).
Easter - God on Trial: Vindication
Mark 16:1-8 (Part of the Easter series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on March 31, 2024 (Sunday Morning).
Why Did Jesus Take a Donkey Ride? 1. As the Lord had promised 2. To be blessed
Mark 11:1-10 (Part of the Lent series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on March 24, 2024 (Sunday Morning).
It’s Time! 1. Time for the Son to be glorified 2. Time for the Father to be glorified 3. Time for us to follow
John 12:20-33 (Part of the Lent series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on March 17, 2024 (Sunday Morning).
What is truth? 1. Jesus testifies to the truth 2. Jesus is the truth
John 18:33-40 (Part of the Lent series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on March 6, 2024 (Sunday Morning).
Hear the Will of Your God! 1.Fear his anger and do not disobey what he commands 2. Love and trust in God and gladly obey what he commands
Exodus 20:1-17 (Part of the Lent series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on March 3, 2024 (Sunday Morning).
The Amazing Blessings of Lent! 1. Abundant blessings 2. Undeserved blessings 3. Guaranteed blessings
Romans 5:1-11 (Part of the Lent series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on February 25, 2024 (Sunday Morning).
We See From Moriah to Calvary 1. See a father’s willing sacrifice 2. See a son’s unquestioning obedience 3. See the substitution which was offered
Genesis 22:1-14 (Part of the Lent series).
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Preached by Pastor Keith Petersen on February 18, 2024 (Sunday Morning).