
Active filter: Service: Sunday Morning (x) , Date: 2014 (x)
Book: Joshua (1), Judges (1), 1 Samuel (1), 2 Kings (2), Hosea (1), Matthew (6), John (3), Acts (2), Romans (5), 1 Corinthians (1), 2 Corinthians (1), Galatians (1), Ephesians (2), Philippians (1), 2 Timothy (1), 1 Peter (1), 2 Peter (1), Revelation (1).
Series: Advent (3), End Time (4), Pentecost (7), Easter (5), Lent (6), Epiphany - Sermon on the Mount (3), Epiphany (4).
Date: January (3), February (3), March (5), April (4), May (3), September (3), October (4), November (5), December (2)

Sermons (32)

Second Sunday in Epiphany
John 1:29-41 (Part of the Epiphany series).
Preached by Pastor Mike Kuschel on January 19, 2014 (Sunday Morning).
First Sunday After the Epiphany - Baptism of Our Lord
Matthew 3:13-17 (Part of the Epiphany series).
Preached by Pastor Mike Kuschel on January 12, 2014 (Sunday Morning).