God gives us meaning in Christ

A man who had everything once looked back at his life, the status and wealth that he had worked for and he called them all meaningless.  Solomon, one of the richest men that the ancient world had ever seen talked about the empty pursuit of worldly wealth as a chasing after the wind.  And in the midst of this grand lament, he makes this concession.  24 A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, 25 for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?  26 To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over… – Ecclesiastes 2:24-26

Whether it is our own personal drive or the influence of those around us we often find our own personal identity in what it is that we do and the things that this occupation gains for us.  Tangible creatures that we are we also try to quantify our personal meaning with numbers and other things that we can stack and measure.  How many thousands of dollars a year that we make at our jobs, the number or size of the things that we have, homes, equipment, automobiles, acres of land, all of that, so easily falls into places of importance especially as we live among peers who quantify their lives in such a way.   And so we pause today as we read these words of wisdom to say, “Is this it?!”  “Is this really where I should find my purpose and meaning in life?”

In the grand scheme of history, you and I are mere blips, dots, on this gargantuan timeline, and yet God gives each of us purpose and meaning.  He knows you by name.  Through faith in Jesus he hears the prayers of his believers and he speaks to us through his Word.  The God of the universe stoops down and saves and provides for you and me individually.  God also has given each of us individual gifts to use to his glory as we serve him now and into eternity.   Fill in the roles that God has called you to, use the gifts that your Heavenly Father has passed down to you, know that you are loved in Christ, and know that no matter your station or status in life you have purpose and meaning and eternal riches in Christ Jesus.

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