An Indescribable Gift!

Look with eyes of faith upon the indescribable scene surrounding the indescribable gift! More than the shepherds surround the feed trough. More than Mary and Joseph humbly bow their heads and hearts at the miracle before them.  Look with eyes given clarity by the Spirit’s omnipotence. See the people of God, countless souls from all time and place, joining you at the manger this day.

Led by the Spirit through the gospel, believers in faith kneel with you before the Gift. God kept his word. His Son has come. You and all believers are eager to gaze upon his face. This day we see what for human eyes and hearts is truly indescribable. Kneeling, you look into the manger. You gaze and stare. The Scriptures have taught you what to expect, but still the sight takes your breath away. It causes a lump in your throat. Yes, you see the Virgin-Born. He looks like any other baby. But the Scripture teaches you to see more. You see the One conceived by the Spirit and sent by the Father, and you ponder the Trinity revealed in the Christ. You see the Seed of the woman sent to crush the ancient serpent’s head. You keep staring into the feed trough. There is no rush. All God’s people can prayerfully linger. You see a Lamb, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

In your mind echoes a startling Scripture: God made him who had no sin to be sin for us. It seems unjust for that Child to be punished. Yet God’s justice will be met for all sin. The Father sent his Son as Substitute. He will die that we may live. Such grace. Such infinite and profound love for sinners. Indescribable.

Look again. You see the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He has triumphed, and he is worthy to open the revelation that guarantees no surprises for the people of God. Look again, and see the Lord God of heavenly hosts, the Creator who called forth not only the countless stars but the countless ranks of holy angels that serve him by also serving us. Look again. You see the Alpha and the Omega. Though a baby born in time, he is the infinite One who called forth the universe and created time. And joy-filled we can see that our times are in his hand.

Look again. You see the Child who is the Truth. He is the Life. Indescribable for human intellect is this truth that God gives freely and fully in his Son. How strange is the reality of grace to the sinful heart that screams always for recognition. But grace cannot be fathomed unless the Spirit intervenes. Look again and see the King of kings and Lord of lords. See the Good Shepherd who guides and provides. See the Bread of life that satisfies your hunger and thirst after righteousness. See the “Amen” to all the promises God made throughout the centuries. For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. See your hope, your help, your heaven—all wrapped up in swaddling clothes. Indescribable this Gift we believe through the Spirit. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him”—but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. Indescribable.

This devotion was written by Rev. Mark Zarling and is part of a series of devotions from MLC that are available at the following address:


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