O Lord, hear our prayer and listen to our cry for mercy; in your faithfulness come to our relief. With deep humility, we come to you at this time when our hearts are burdened with sorrow, grief, and many questions. Lead us by your Spirit to make faithful use of your Word and Sacraments so that our faith will be strengthened to resist the old evil foe, who seeks to destroy our bodies, souls, and minds. Help us and all who are grieved because of this death to look to you for peace, hope, and quietness of mind as we face the future. Lead us in all things and at all times to put our trust in you each day so that finally you will lead us to your eternal glory at your appointed time, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Church
Pastor Keith Petersen
304 4th St. PO Box 67
Danube, MN 56230
Phone: 320-826-2280Pastor’s Cell: 605-520-0260
Sunday Morning Worship – 9:00 AM
Sunday Morning Worship – 10:30 AM
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