“This is Pleasing to God”

She grips and rubs her mother’s hand to gain and hold her attention.  She speaks in a loud yet tender voice as she explains that the pastor is here to visit.  It’s clear that the daughter has become the caregiver as the relentless march of life has brought about this odd role reversal.  The daughter now cares for her mother as her mother once cared for her.  However, the daughter is given the added the duty of respecting her mother’s wishes and treating her mother with dignity.  After all, this is the dear woman who gave birth to her, raised her, and then gave years of time and energy to provide and care for her.  No matter how old she is, no matter how the roles have been reversed, this is mom, and so the daughter readily takes on this responsibility.

It can be a grueling task, but it is one that is regularly carried out by grown children and grandchildren all over. Even though it is difficult our hearts tell us that this is the right thing to do and the Bible tells us this is God-pleasing.  1 Timothy 5:4 reads, “Children or grandchildren… should learn …. to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God.”

In our day and age of health care and assisted living and nursing homes it can be easy to avoid this portion of God’s Word.  In our day and age of busy schedules such attention and care can be viewed as an unwanted chore.  But this is part of a life lived in love.  For a Christian this an opportunity to reflect the relentless, patient, and enduring love that Christ has shown to us.  As God’s Word reminds us this is a chance to put our religion into practice.

Mother’s Day has, by now, come and gone.  The flowers have already begun to droop and only a few chocolates still remain.  But for many, the special attention for mom is still very much part of the daily routine.  So say a prayer for such a caregiver today.  Give thanks for Christian sons and daughters who demonstrate the love of Jesus as they take up this task of taking care of mom or dad as they advance in age.  And if you are one of these special people who care for your parents, be encouraged by the fact that God is pleased with your service.

 This article will appear in the Redwood Gazette on May 15

Pastor Kuschel submits an article to the Gazette on a quarterly basis. 


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