Announcements for first week of January 2017

The Christian Funeral of Geraldine Krueger

Geraldine Lorraine Krueger was called to her eternal home on Tuesday,      December 27, 2016, at the Renville County Hospital in Olivia. Funeral services were held on Friday, December 30, 2016, at 11:00 a.m. at St. Matthew’s       Lutheran Church in Danube.  We give thanks for God’s gift of faith that the LORD gave to Geri.  And we give thanks that she could celebrate one more Christmas with her family and then depart in peace believing in the salvation that Christ Jesus brings.

Joint Council Meeting – St. Matthew’s Danube & St. Matthew Flora

A Joint Council Meeting will be held on January 5 at St. Matthew Flora Twp. The meeting will begin at 7:00pm and we will discuss our joint ministry agreement between the two congregations.  May God continue to bless our work  together in His kingdom.

Offering Envelopes

Offering envelopes have been made available in the back of church. We are thankful for your continued support of the Gospel ministry.  God loves the cheerful giver.

Thrivent Choice Letters

Members of our congregations who are also eligible members of Thrivent  Financial choice program will be contacted to make their choice of how their congregation will make use of Thrivent Choice Dollars that have been allocated to our congregations.  Letters are available to pick up in the back of church for the next few weeks.  Remaining letters will be mailed out to members.  Please complete and return the enclosed form indicating your choice at the time of earliest convenience so that we can distribute those monies to the proper funds.

Annual Meeting

On January 29 St. Matthew’s Danube will hold its annual meeting.  A short voter’s meeting will be held on a Sunday prior to that date to approve the nominating committees list of candidates.

Flora Ladies Aid

The Ladies Aid of St. Matthew Flora Twp will be meeting at Max’s this month on January 5.  The meeting will begin at 12:00pm.  May the LORD bless our time together as we discuss how we can support local and global ministry.

Sunday School Christmas Pageant:

The Sunday School Children will present a special Christmas Pageant on January 15.  The pageant has been reschedule.  We thank the children and the teachers for the work that they put into sharing the good news of Jesus in this special way.  Please join on us on January 15.

St. Matthew’s Evening Circle – Winter Schedule

The ladies of St. Matthew’s Evening Circle have decided to meet in the afternoon for the next three winter months.  Our next meeting will be held at 12:30pm on Wednesday, January 4.


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